Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Advice in raising godly kids

I want to remember the advice I've received and thoughts I've had to try to ensure that Zeke and Wade will grow up right loving God.
1. Do your best to ensure their salvation by sharing the gospel with them and get them saved. (Terri S) What I've done so far is the Jack Chick tract "One Way" which I love because it is wordless with great drawings. Also the bridge illustration I have shared not in it's entirety, but briefly, with several girls at Awanas.
2. Share Bible verses with them on homosexuality and abortion and other issues so they will be politically savy and know what they believe. (Terri S)
3. Share verses on self-esteem like Psalm 139. Make sure you look for good in them and praise them. (my thoughts)
4. Surround them with godly people who are also walking with God and encouraging them. (Annette, Cindy D.)
And here I'd like to list the women at church who have helped Zeke learn and love Jesus: Susan Abrahams, Amy Udd, Cindy Patton, Sue Shaffer, Susan Hunt, Carolyn Teten, Virginia Duncan, Rose Guhde, Ruth Joy, Kelly Moore, Katie Teten, Anna Andrew.
5. Pray with them in the car before school and at bedtime. (my thoughts)
6. Have them memorize Bible verses because God has promised that his alive Word will speak and guide and not return empty. (my thoughts)
7. Teach them good manners and character and model it too.
8. Don't ever assume that a child will just know, emulate, arrive, "get there." because I've "done my best" or "taken them to church"..... I need to TEACH. INSTRUCT. MODEL, PRAY, and sometimes apologize.
9. Food and cooking and nutrition are so important. My lack of knowledge and ability in these I feel caused me to marry late.. because I was shy and overweight? (but also just couldn't find the right guy for a long time), spend too much money on fast food and then health clubs and diet centers, caused me to have gestational diabetes which led to difficult delivery because my doctor insisted on inducing my labor with Zeke (I fought for the right to go into labor on my own with Wade but I was assured it was safe), and also eventually breast cancer. But that's just my speculation.
I'm contemplating what to do about Wade when he drops down and doesn't want to walk.....use a stroller? or when he he scared? How do I make him do the right thing especially at doctors' offices. Will it get better as he gets older? I don't know his "mental age" (I hate those words). I know he understands way far more than he can express. I'm thinking about M&M rewards in my pocket for good behavior. I hate the thought of showing him a spatula to cease bad behavior, especially if he's scared. I almost did a blanket apology to the waiting room of the radiology center yesterday. There were 5 other adults listening to him scream. I honestly don't know what was wrong. Tired or scared or not liking what was happening I guess. Maybe I should have explained to him what we were doing. I thought I did. I shouldn't have assumed he wouldn't understand my words.
Ok - over and out - got to go do stuff in the house.... clean and organize.

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