Monday, April 26, 2010


Sad really, how much of my life has been spent organizing my possessions and figuring out what to keep and what to toss. I hope to teach Zeke to not have so much baggage. I have some precious things but then other things I should have thrown away a long time ago but then again... nostalgia.
Wade was crying real tears when I left him at school this morning. It is hard not knowing what is wrong. Not every day is like this so there has to be a reason but I don't know what it is. The aide takes him and he cries most of the way down the hall and I just have to leave and go do errands or go home and try not to spend any money that I don't have.
I did pray quickly with Zeke before he hopped out of the van and we said "I love you" to each other and that is nice. very nice.
Sometimes I wish I could earn money but the kids get sick sometimes at school and I have to go get them.... and I want to be available to go on their field trips and what would I do with them in the summertime if I had a job? I know there are warehouse type daycare places. I hope I never have to use them. Besides, Wade will always need an adult one-on-one. But it would be nice to feel safe with my own bank account even if it isn't much money. Sometimes I don't like leaning on Eric for all my money but most of the time I'm glad he is generous.
All for now - need to go sew patches on Zeke's scout shirt.
But I did get somewhat of a handle on all the skads of photos I have that I don't have labeled or protected or organized. I labeled some albums and put them in a box, spines showing. I'm going to try to do each school year of pictures for Zeke to look at. But still it's hard. I take SO many pictures.

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