Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I love music

I love music. The way a song can make you laugh, smile, cry, take your breath away. I just heard three songs back to back that I sat in the car with and smiled, cried and tapped my toes and danced a bit.
"Make me Smile" by Chicago "I'm so happy. That you love me..... Tell me you will stay. Make me smile."
"Isn't she Lovely?" sung by Stevie Wonder. The lyrics are so sweet. "Isn't she lovely? Less than three minutes old.....I can't believe what God has done, through our love he's given life to one."
"You make my dreams come true" Hall and Oates. So hard not to tap your toe to that one.
I guess I must have had an oldie station on but definitely a goodie station :-)
It is rainy today. I like rain. Maybe because I don't like to squint my eyes and I don't like to get sunburnt. I picture all the birds and squirrels cuddling in their nests as the rain trickles around them.

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