Monday, April 19, 2010

April, May and Summer Plans

Here is an overview....
Magnolia trees, fruit tree blossoms and tulips are a plenty.
I'm trying to learn sign language. I'm doing it online.

Wade just had a diaphragm hernia repair on April 7th. It was a surprise discovery from an x-ray looking for intestinal blockage... but that wasn't the problem. Instead, part of his transverse colon had squeezed up into his chest through a hole in his diaphragm! Probably he'd been this way since birth and he's 6.5 years old. ugh.

There are only six weeks of school left.

Eric and his mom and sister are flying to Juneau, Alaska, May 1st to see brother Mike retire from the coast guard.

I have to have cataract surgery this summer.

Neighbor girls Makenna V. and Nikki W. come over to play often.

I like to watch American Idol and Dancing with the Stars but will be glad when they are over so I am not t.v. obsessed.

Awanas will be over soon. Zeke will win an award for completing all 3 Sparks books the past 3 years. Zeke has also done Scouts for two years. It was hard to keep up and complete all the accomplishments in the book.

I have been delivering meals on wheels once a week. Last week I dropped two meals. Ugh. Ronda J. has helped me a few times.

I am trying to get Zeke to love God, memorize Bible verses that will give him convictions, and to be a happy quick reader. He loves swimming and building and designing... and perhaps cartoons on t.v. a bit too much.

Wade loves veggie tale movies but I want so much more for him. I want him to write his name and color and initiate more activities that he enjoys... and of course to communicate better. It would be great if he could play soccer or some other sport someday.

I hope to spend lots of time with my mom this summer, letting the boys run around outside in the country. I hope to get lots of walking and exercise too.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rachael! Thanks for inviting us to view your blog. It will be fun to keep up on your sweet family this way. Enjoy your week!
