Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Thankful for Certain School Teachers

I am so thankful for Mrs. Norma Barnard and Mrs. Kim Ashlock, the teachers that Zeke had last year at school in first grade and how great they were for him and continue to be. Mrs. Barnard told me it takes a lot of positives to outweigh a negative and that Zeke will see himself through my eyes. I will always remember the way she would find me when I was volunteering at school and tell me something good Zeke had just said or done. Also the way she had the kids reading with flashlights in a darkened hallway and also the way I saw her gently pull Zeke's chin back to center on his book, when he was distracted by something in her cubicle. And I praise Mrs. Ashlock for letting me be a part of her room so I could understand what school was like. And sometimes she'd chat and tell me things about the kids in private and trusted me to be confidential... but it was only one or two things.
This year wasn't as good. Mrs. Benson was negative and after awhile I spoke up via e-mail in defense, and it just made it worse. But now she is on maternity leave and I'm just waiting for the year to be over... and hoping I can be included on the spring field trip... or I will follow the buses and wait outside! ha.
I'm so glad I don't have to be employed right now. I'm glad we are making it on Eric's income... at least for now.
This year Mrs. Renee Nuss has been wonderful with the 11 2nd grader kids she has kept after school teaching them computer skills twice a month. I heard her call to Zeke at Walmart "Hey Zeke-man" He liked that and I thought it was cool. Much more grown up than what I call my boys: Zeker-doo and Sugar-boo for Wade.

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